Monday, March 30, 2009


During our last meeting, we distributed some prayer cards created for our supporters. These would have been ready sooner, however, I made a mistake in the cutting and pasting of text. Initially, the print shop thought it was an error made from translating my document to theirs and then in the conversion to the print file they require for printing. However, when I arrived home, I double checked and saw it was "my bad!" I had to call them and let them know. The former would have been no cost to us. The latter a different story. I called to explain my error. Much to my surprise, the associate honored her promise to reprint at no charge! I was very grateful and quite humbled, especially since we disagreed on the final cost. I was being charged a different price than I was originally told (or understood) by the first sales clerk. But, after some explanation, I agreed that the final figures were fair. Only moments early I was squabbling over a few dollars, and now I could have justifiably been recharged the entire price. From my vantage point, I did not deserve such mercy and grace, but was afforded it anyway. How quickly we crossover the "thin line" between self righteousness and benefit of the doubt . . . for prayer cards!!!

Fast forward to the night of our meeting. I am preparing to count out twenty-five prayer cards to each of our eight team members. Everyone dives into the box and helps me count. But, the box never empties. Like the baskets of loaves and fishes, barely a dent was made in our bounty of prayers to request for our team and the people of Capljina, Bosnia. There must be a thousand of them! Our box is still full. I don't think this was a mistake, since these were printed not once, but twice. Again, undeserved, unmerited favor, an act of grace given by the printer to our team.

Two days later, I received an email from Pastor Bernard in Bosnia. In it, he updated us on his prayer requests. Hoping we had captured everything on the back of our cards, already printed, I flipped one over and there they all were, just as if he had asked for them before I had ever met with the printer. God is so good. He is teaching me still, and I have not yet left. "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8

So look for us to be distributing prayer cards when you see us. If not, ask us for one. Or expect one in the mail! When I mentioned the cards to Bernard he was thrilled so many of you would be praying for them, so many more than the total membership of their congregaton itself. As we sat in our meeting, discussing what trinkets we could bring as gifts for them, I realized, this IS the gift - the gift of prayer. It is what they love the most. Their lives are rich in praise and start and end with humility. Their is no greater offering we can give them than the prayers for which they have asked.

Pray for the leaders of the church. Pray for their endurance and encouragement. Pray for God to give them the words and the wisdom to continue to reach the unreached in their community.

Pray for those in the City of Capljina whom the church has reached, that they may continue to be receptive to the message and to the truths the Evangelical Church is teaching and have a strong desire to be in relationship with our Lord Jesus.

Pray for the growth & prosperity of the church. Pray for their financial resources as they become more of a presence in their city, so that they may experience ongoing success in many of the outreach programs, study groups and other ministries which have opened the minds and hearts of the people.

"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."John 17:20-23

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Last night, we had our final, "official" meeting before we leave for our trip. We've completed all of our studies, learned about the culture, shared our stories, secured our flights and discussed contingencies. This last gathering was deemed a "packing party." We were told to bring one extra piece of luggage as there are always additional items we cart halfway across the world and leave behind. There are supplies for our partner church, as well as, the materials we will use in our outreach program and so forth. This evening's activity will give us an idea of how much baggage we will be bringing and how to divide it among the team.

Well, not really an "instruction" person, I misunderstood. I was the last to arrive to the meeting, in part, because I was wrestling with not one, but three bags (one nested in another) all of which had to fit in my VW Beetle and still allow me some visibility out of my rear window! No easy task. Upon arrival, same problem. I pulled, pushed, shoved and shimmied, in order to bring all of my baggage to the meeting. It didn't take long before I realized, it was all for naught . . . until today.

This morning, as I awoke and began my morning prayers, the metaphor began to unfold. For two months, this amazing group of eight individuals has come together as one in Christ. We have grown together spiritually. We have brought all of our baggage into a small room every couple of weeks and lay it at the foot of the cross. Last night was particularly heavy as the spiritual warfare seems to ramp up in our lives just before we set out to do God's work. The darkness was intense. We are tired. Some of us are struggling with illness or just a heaviness. The world's work is weighing us down as we prepare to do eternal work. With great transparency and authenticity, we emptied our hearts and minds to each other and lifted each other up in prayer, surrendering all of our burdens. Instead of filling all of them, we drew from the baggage and clothed ourselves with humility with one another. Unadorned we knelt before His throne and surrendered our worries, anxious thoughts, worldly demands, and oppressions. By His grace, we began to feel lighter.

As it turns out, we will not be needing any of my baggage. I left the meeting with all of it. . . empty. That is what happens, when we bring our junk to the foot of the cross - to the throne of the Most High. He takes it and prepares our way.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor 4:16-18

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Lens Was On The Camera!

Sometimes in life we find ourselves scurrying all over God's green earth looking for something that we've lost, only to find that it was right underneath our nose the whole time. Not only did this happen to a certain lens cap during our amazing retreat at Lake Hartwell, but it perfectly connects, in one way or another, to our team's personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Last weekend, members from our mission trip to Bosnia left the hustle and bustle of Atlanta to join together for two days of friendship, great food, reflection and prayer. Thanks to Betty, Tracy's friend, our team was able to enjoy the coziness and relaxation of a beautiful lake house, which set the stage for a great experience. 

Unfortunately, one of our team members, BJ, was unable to make the trip to Lake Hartwell. She was greatly missed! However, please join us in thanking BJ for providing some of the most delicious food that has ever been tasted this side of the Mississippi. BJ went above and beyond to send her love and unselfishly use her talents. BJ, you were with us in spirit.

Throughout our time on retreat it was clear that Jesus Christ was walking with us, step by step. He enabled our group to share stories with each other, connect in concentrated prayer, study the words of the Bible, personally reflect, join in Communion, and build friendships that will go beyond our time in late April.

Finally, through one of the activities organized by Kathy, we were able to determine our team's gifts. They are mercy, discernment and hospitality. Mercy is described as cheerful acts of compassion, empathy towards the hurting, and keeping the body of Christ healthy and unified. Recognizing the true intention of those in the body and testing the actions of others for the protection and well-being of the body is known as discernment. Hospitality, as you know, makes visitors, guests and strangers feel at ease, while integrating new members into the body. Wow, what great attributes to have!

God Bless,

Your Bosnia Connections 2009 Team