Sometimes in life we find ourselves scurrying all over God's green earth looking for something that we've lost, only to find that it was right underneath our nose the whole time. Not only did this happen to a certain lens cap during our amazing retreat at Lake Hartwell, but it perfectly connects, in one way or another, to our team's personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Last weekend, members from our mission trip to Bosnia left the hustle and bustle of Atlanta to join together for two days of friendship, great food, reflection and prayer. Thanks to Betty, Tracy's friend, our team was able to enjoy the coziness and relaxation of a beautiful lake house, which set the stage for a great experience.
Unfortunately, one of our team members, BJ, was unable to make the trip to Lake Hartwell. She was greatly missed! However, please join us in thanking BJ for providing some of the most delicious food that has ever been tasted this side of the Mississippi. BJ went above and beyond to send her love and unselfishly use her talents. BJ, you were with us in spirit.
Throughout our time on retreat it was clear that Jesus Christ was walking with us, step by step. He enabled our group to share stories with each other, connect in concentrated prayer, study the words of the Bible, personally reflect, join in Communion, and build friendships that will go beyond our time in late April.
Finally, through one of the activities organized by Kathy, we were able to determine our team's gifts. They are mercy, discernment and hospitality. Mercy is described as cheerful acts of compassion, empathy towards the hurting, and keeping the body of Christ healthy and unified. Recognizing the true intention of those in the body and testing the actions of others for the protection and well-being of the body is known as discernment. Hospitality, as you know, makes visitors, guests and strangers feel at ease, while integrating new members into the body. Wow, what great attributes to have!
God Bless,
Your Bosnia Connections 2009 Team
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