Meet Marica (pronounced "Mar-It-Za"), our most gracious host. She and her husband, Andrija (pronounced "On-Dray-Ya"), built a hostel next to their home for those who come to Capljina on mission trips. We stay there for a penance and live like kings and queens for 9 or 10 days. She greets us each day with a wide smile and softly spoken terms of endearment. Her eyes twinkle with great love for us and for our Lord Jesus. His life in her cannot be contained. It emanates freely, fully and effortlessly. She showers us with grace, prays with us, fusses over us, worships with us and then goes about her daily service. I'm quite sure if the Lord came to her and said, you must build a hostel for the missionaries who will come, whether she had the means to do so or not, like Mary, Marica would have no doubt replied, "I am the servant of the Lord . . . Let it be as you have said" (Luke 1:38) Like Brother Lawrence, Marica has discovered there is no need for grand gestures. Whether she is making her homemade cheese or bread, bowing in worship, peeling her carrots or trimming her kiwi vines, she does it all for the love of God. Every moment of every day exists for His glory and it shows. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1Co 10:31
When we first learned about the nature of our trip, of course, I knew already we would again be connecting in prayer. However, the added opportunity was an outreach to the unchurched. Again, I was excited, until I read the activity - jewelry making. I don't wear jewelry, so, obviously, I know little (okay, nothing) about making it! I felt a little tug of pride on my heart. "I can't do this," I thought. It's not my gift. My eyes are so old, not even with my new muli-focal contacs will I be able to see those tiny little holes to string beads. And, I was right! During our retreat, we had a "training" exercise, and I was a mess! Granted it was a wonderful team builder, and we had a lot of laughs (many at my expense - all in good fun, of course). But, those holes are really, really tiny!! Nevertheless, I did make a beautiful necklace and again, I was proud. Eeek! There is that word again! Why must I feel like I have to do everything well? It's not what the Lord expects of me. It wasn't until today as I was reflecting over the thought of reuniting with Marica when the clouds parted and the truth came to me. All God has done is called me. I must leave the rest to him. It is not about making jewelry. It is about showing up. It is about "whatever I do, do it to the glory of God." It is about emanating the love of Christ. It is about the ease at which Marica reflects His beauty and majesty. It is about being that kind of light. And, if my bracelet brings laughter, let it be uproarious and glorious - the kind that transcends language barriers.
I'm thrilled to rush to the arms of Marica on our arrival day. I will relish our time together as I learn from her humble heart and watch it reorganize my own.

>"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests,but also to the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God,did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,but made himself nothing,taking the very nature of a servant,being made in human likeness." Philippians 2:3-7
in His service,
Reading this gets me more and more excited! I can't wait to meet our hosts!
ReplyDeleteI've made an executive decision regarding the jewelry, we are making bracelets and earrings only!
I miss her warm smile. She truly has a servant's heart.