Friday, April 10, 2009

Our God ROCKS!!!

We hit the air in 9 days and are down to single digits! I know that it sounds so cliche but time has flown by entirely too fast...

Jill sent us all a note a few days ago to let us know that we'd met our team goal of $20,000.00 which is fabulous! I knew in my heart that we would have no problem at all reaching our monetary goal but most of us get that little twinge of doubt that tells us it can't be done.

I expressed my doubt and nervousness on FaceBook last week and a dear friend who's known me since I was 4 years old sent me this passage: Psalm 139:9&10 "If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uppermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me" How awesome is that!? This is yet another reminder that we are indeed held in the palm of His hand.

Please keep us in your prayers from now through our return on April 28th. If you would pray for protection for us as we travel and protection of our health we would really appreciate it. We are going to try to update the blog daily while we are over there but we can't make any promises as there is not clear agenda and agendas change like the wind anyway.

He's been with us every step of the way and our God truly does ROCK!!!

In His Grip, Tracy Anne


  1. We are excited for all of you and all that God is doing in Bosnia. We will pray for your safety and health. We look forward to your updates!

  2. Yea! God is so faithful. I'm praying for each of you and those you will be with in Bosnia.
